Dr. Johnson's Bio

I see teaching as a way to transfer my enthusiasm about a topic over to the people I am instructing.
Dr. Vincent Johnson is an internal medicine hospitalist who founded Nursing Bites. He grew up on the west side of Chicago, where he discovered his passion for both creative writing and medical science. At the age of 6, Vince developed a strong desire to become a physician.
After attending the Loyola University School of Medicine and completing medical residency in a combined internal medicine–pediatrics program, he developed a persevering interest in improving nurse–physician collaboration.
Dr. Johnson enjoys reciting poetry at the open microphone and has had his poetry published in the form of a broadside. He loves writing short stories and performing them as a storyteller.
He has published three children’s picture books, one of which was featured in a review by the School Library Journal.
Dr. Johnson has great enthusiasm for improving nurse–physician communication. He has a love of teaching that has led him to conduct communication workshops for new nurses.